Friday, January 7, 2011

Hyperlinked Task

Kari K. wrote about youth competition and the stress for sucess in young athletes. What if we in a world where it was young kids in the major leagues and adults watching from the stands? That kids kept getting pushed at such a young age and eventually made it as a professional by age 8. Can you imagine a 4' 2" Barry Bonds?

Phil Z. asked the question: Do videos games cause or promote aggressive behavior? What if the fictional video world suddenly became our reality? Would kid sreact in the same way being aggressively violent or would they think about the consequences of the actions without being able to turn the game off?

Danielle C. wrote about educating the public about guns instead of restricting them. What if the education of guns became manditory in our school. Instead of running the mile kids would learn to point and shoot.

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